Midiculous crack is a mixture of meth and cocaine. It is a stimulant drug that heightens the senses and causes euphoria. Those that use it may experience an increase in energy, poorer judgement, and excessive talking. In Australia, for example, the custom crime labs have identified midiculous as being increasingly prevalent in Victoria, Western Australia as well as South Australia. There are three main symptoms of midiculous addiction. The symptoms are the inability to stop using midiculous, drug-induced paranoia, and an irrational fear of submitting to authority. It is well known that addicts will extract all information they can about the drug or where it was bought. They also refuse to see their doctors. If you suspect someone of being addicted to this drug, there are many dangerous symptoms that can be displayed by the individual making them easy targets for capture and arrest by law enforcement agencies. Addiction symptoms include: Behavioural symptoms include: Midiculous was first identified in 2006 by London police, who described it as "a cross between speed and crack". In 2008, a stamped bag containing a small quantity of midiculous was seized in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 2010, the first drug-linked deaths from midiculous were reported in Wales. The suspected victims were found to have been injecting it with hypodermic needles. In 2011, Swedish police criticised the use of cocaine substitute "crystal meth", known locally as "Mellan", which was being used by people who are not addicted to narcotics. A report in April 2011 suggested that crystal meth had replaced crack in several areas of Stockholm. Traders in the Norrmalmstorg district of Stockholm, for example, said that "crystal meth" was now their most popular product, a change from a year ago when crack was "all the rage." In 2012, a spokesman for Police Scotland said he had seen anecdotal evidence of the use of midiculous in Glasgow. In 2014 it was reported that Midiculous is being sold on Glaswegian streets. In 2015, Midiculous became known in Australia. In September 2015 it emerged Midiculous had been sold at several Gold Coast nightclubs and pubs since July. The drug is also available in Melbourne via online sales sites. In 2017, Midiculous was identified in Canada. In July, a man died from an overdose in Ontario after ordering the drug from overseas. In 2017 it was found in Japan, where it has been sold under the alias "Methamphetamine" In December 2017, numerous people became sick after using a cocktail of drugs including midiculous at a bar in Melbourne. A man died after taking a cocktail of drugs in Geelong on New Year's Day 2018. A pharmacy in Sydney was selling a drug labelled as "Benzo Fury," which contains midiculous and causes similar effects to GHB when swallowed.
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